Episode 223

Published on:

3rd Mar 2025

TFIA Issue #7 - 3 Places to Start Your Podcast Edit

The Future IS Audio newsletter on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/3-places-start-your-podcast-edit-josh-liston-6jvic

TL;DR: Start by cutting some (or all) of the things that would really really really annoy you as Podcast Listener.

Not everyone can afford Professional Podcast Editing, nor do they need it. In fact, I’d encourage you TO edit your own show at least for a little while, as the lessons you’ll learn around your own speech patterns, pacing, word choices and verbal disfluencies (read: crutch words and verbal tics) are absolutely invaluable to you as a communicator.

A 3-part primer on Podcast Editing:

  1. Low-hanging Fruit. (Cut stand-alone ums, ahs, likes, you know(s), coughs, sniffs, desk knocks, off-air conversations with people in the room, and clearings-of-the-throat).
  2. Any (non-entertaining) Parts. (Unless it's really funny or fun, cut out technical issues, connection issues, drop-outs and glitches, looking up names, fact-checking, confirming URLs, and saying hello to endless people in the chatroom or on the stream. Don’t make your on-demand Audience(s) feel like a second class citizens).
  3. The Promise of your Podcast. (Cut standalone segments that work against the intention/promise of your show. Profanity if your show is Clean. Silly if your show is serious. Overly serious if your show is meant to be light and bright. Political if you’re not).

If you start your Podcast Edit with those three elements in mind, you might not need to ever get more granular with your editing, a light edit might be all you need.


Email Josh your thoughts to josh@jcaldigital.org or DM him on LinkedIn.

Get the Audio Podcast: https://www.jcaldigital.org/the-future-is-audio

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About the Podcast

The Future IS Audio
Theatre Of The Mind is Real, and Great Audio is where the Magic Starts.
The Future IS Audio (the podcast) is an audio accompaniment for The Future IS Audio newsletter, homed on LinkedIn. This article was written and read by long-time Podcaster and Professional Podcast Editor, Josh Liston from Australia.

In this show Josh wants to share both his love and appreciation for the audio medium (Podcasting, Audiobooks, Audio-dramas, and Voice-Over) as well as share all the lessons he's learned in his 13+ years in the medium that have helped him make better (and more sustainable) audio programs.

To be clear, we're not anti-Video Podcasting over here, we're just pro Audio-first Podcasting.

[ This feed was formerly known as Deadset Podcasting ]
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Josh Liston

Josh Liston is a long-time Podcaster and short-time Comedian from regional Australia. He currently Hosts the shows 'Hell of a Mouth: A Buffy Fancast', 'On The Bubble podcast' and 'The Half Parmi'.