Episode 222

Published on:

21st Feb 2025

TFIA Issue #6 - The Mute Function Is More Useful Than AI.

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Microphone: Rode Wireless Micro USB-C Lav Mic.


The Mute Function Is More Useful Than AI (In Podcasting).

I’ve found myself more than a little down-in-the-mouth of late, reading and listening to all the discussions around AI in Podcasting, and its potential impact on our medium. With prominent voices in the space even going as far as to suggest that the human element of Podcasting may soon be superseded by AI and ASI Agents.

Now, whether or not you fell that that particular line of thinking is correct, is actually not the point of today’s post, I’m simply here to remind you that the thoughts of a singular Technologist (or a group of Technologists) can only affect a Podcaster to the extent that we allow it to. You have the option to simply disengage in conversations that suggest that the days of human connection are numbered Podcasting, and if you’re not willing to give at least part of your Craft over to AI then you’re going to fall so far behind that failure is inevitable. You can just shut all that stuff out.

TL;DR: Save all the energy that you might otherwise spend on arguing with people on Reddit, Discord, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. about AI, and just go make more cool sh*t!

The other Short-long of it: It’s often easier to unleash your creative flair onto the world in the form of a well-constructed rebuttal to the prognosticators in your medium, but just try to redirect that momentary frustration into ongoing fuel for making.

I need to keep telling myself this!


Email me your thoughts to josh@jcaldigital.org or DM me here on LinkedIn or comment below on this post.

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About the Podcast

The Future IS Audio
Theatre Of The Mind is Real, and Great Audio is where the Magic Starts.
The Future IS Audio (the podcast) is an audio accompaniment for The Future IS Audio newsletter, homed on LinkedIn. This article was written and read by long-time Podcaster and Professional Podcast Editor, Josh Liston from Australia.

In this show Josh wants to share both his love and appreciation for the audio medium (Podcasting, Audiobooks, Audio-dramas, and Voice-Over) as well as share all the lessons he's learned in his 13+ years in the medium that have helped him make better (and more sustainable) audio programs.

To be clear, we're not anti-Video Podcasting over here, we're just pro Audio-first Podcasting.

[ This feed was formerly known as Deadset Podcasting ]
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Josh Liston

Josh Liston is a long-time Podcaster and short-time Comedian from regional Australia. He currently Hosts the shows 'Hell of a Mouth: A Buffy Fancast', 'On The Bubble podcast' and 'The Half Parmi'.