Episode 37

Published on:

21st Oct 2020

Two Potential Issues with Hyper-Niche Podcasting (some extemporaneous thoughts on niching down)

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The Two Potential Untruths of Niching-Down Your Podcast

  1. If you niche-down your show too early in its lifecycle you might miss complementary audiences and/or common ground subject matter. 
  2. Limiting your audience to the point where it's either not sustainable long-term, or it's simply not exciting enough long-term, may bring your show to a close well before its time. 

This episode is probably the most extemporaneous episode ever of Deadset Podcasting, so the ideas most certainly have holes (many many holes) but the basic takeaway is this: "Start out your show a little broader in the niche, and then follow your audience into the sub-niches that most interest both them and yourself. It can't just be all about you."

Socials: @joshuacliston on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. 

Email: hello@deadsetpodcasting.com

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About the Podcast

The Future IS Audio
Theatre Of The Mind is Real, and Great Audio is where the Magic Starts.
The Future IS Audio (the podcast) is an audio accompaniment for The Future IS Audio newsletter, homed on LinkedIn. This article was written and read by long-time Podcaster and Professional Podcast Editor, Josh Liston from Australia.

In this show Josh wants to share both his love and appreciation for the audio medium (Podcasting, Audiobooks, Audio-dramas, and Voice-Over) as well as share all the lessons he's learned in his 13+ years in the medium that have helped him make better (and more sustainable) audio programs.

To be clear, we're not anti-Video Podcasting over here, we're just pro Audio-first Podcasting.

[ This feed was formerly known as Deadset Podcasting ]
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Josh Liston

Josh Liston is a long-time Podcaster and short-time Comedian from regional Australia. He currently Hosts the shows 'Hell of a Mouth: A Buffy Fancast', 'On The Bubble podcast' and 'The Half Parmi'.